
ISSN 2063-5346
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C&D Waste: A viable source of Coarse Aggregate for Sustainability

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Vikas Sharma , Kunal Bisht, Anjali Tripathi, Kumar Siddhartha Bhatt, Medhavi Pathik, Mohammad Shalib , Somnath Mishra
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si6.109


The most prevalent sort of C&D waste generated by the construction sector is concrete trash, which is generally disposed of in landfills. Recycling this waste into recycled coarse aggregates (RCA) and replacing it for natural aggregates in the concrete making process could result in environmental conservation. The qualities of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) are assessed in the current research effort. The creation of two distinct concrete sample types, one using RCA and the other using NCA, or Natural Coarse Aggregate. Through lab experiments, the focus of the research is on finding out how concrete works at its most basic level. The main goal of these tests is to look at the main qualities of recycled aggregate materials and see if they can replace virgin aggregate materials. To determine the most effective version of the materials, the substitution rate fluctuates. Up to 20% of natural aggregate materials have been replaced with recycled aggregate materials, and the results have been evaluated. It is well knowledge that adding recycled aggregates to concrete can reduce the material's durability and compressive strength. Different ways have been tried to deal with the poorer grade of recycled aggregates used to make concrete. In this study, the effects of adding fly ash to the design of the concrete mix are looked at as a way to lessen the effects of using recycled particles that aren't as good.

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