
ISSN 2063-5346
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Shaweta Sharma, Prof. Naveen Kumar
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2022.11.12.433


This paper ,deals with many queuing system with reorientation time have been studied with more than one server. However, many times in our life , we face the problem of server failure and the need for standby arises .When the main server fails, we immediately switch to standby so that the work is not affected i.e .if the main power supply breaks the generator comes to our rescue .To gain the goodwill of customers ,standby may start operating whenever the queue exceeds a certain number. Multi-server queuing model is a queuing model consisting of two more service facilities that provide the same service in parallel. In the multi-server queuing model ,multiple stations can serve customers in the waiting line .Multi-server queuing system can describe real – world systems where a shared resource is divided into independent units providing service. For examples, call center, cashier and logical information transmission channels.MSQ system consists of more than one counter to provide the same service to different customers .For examples,large stores ,airports, and gas stations .A multi channel ,single step business has multiple servers and one step servicing process. For example ,an airline ticket counter with separate queues for business class and economy class passengers. In this paper we have discussed about the the expected number in system is a decreasing function of mean dependence rate when other parameter remain fixed. The mean number of customers in system is an increasing function of ‘R’ for given values of the parameters.

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