
ISSN 2063-5346
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Utilizing Instagram as Informational and Motivational Media for Diabetics with Diabetes Ulcer: A Qualitative Study

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Winda Primasari, Deddy Mulyana , Herlina Agustin, Tine Silvana Jl. Ir. Soekarno
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.9.02


The present study analyzes the use of an instagram account, @epitel.indonesia managed by Epitel Indonesia, a clinic specializing in diabetic foot and pressure ulcer treatment. The present study applied a qualitative descriptive approach. Primary data was collected through observation and indepth interviews. The results showed that @epitel.indonesia account is used to disseminate information on diabetes and diabetes ulcer and to motivate patients with diabetic ulcer. In order to deliver information effectively, Epitel Indonesia uses dynamic colors as layout templates for each post, acquires information from credible and trusted sources, and maximizes the use of hashtags to make the posts easier to be found. Real photos of the patients' treatment progress are used to show the public that diabetic ulcers can be treated and healed through a proper and regular treatment. Those efforts were conducted by Epitel Indonesia to improve their patients’ confidence and motivation as well as reduce their patients’ anxiety of having their feet being amputated. The present study aims to contribute to the analysis toward the use of social networking sites for health and healthcare studies by revealing how a healthcare provider manages its instagram account to disseminate diabetes-related information and motivate diabetes patients in Indonesian context. Keywords : diabetes, diabetes ulcer, health information, instagram, social media

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