
ISSN 2063-5346
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Use of AI in Pharmaceutical Interventions for Heart Disease: Promising Approaches and Future Perspectives"

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Madelyn Yajayda Najera1 , Dr. Anum Haider2 , Mandal Arun Kumar3 , Dr. Ayesha Sultan4 , Lema Seboka Degefa5 , Dr. Bhakti R Chiluvery6
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.727


Predictive modeling and risk assessment through AI algorithms have proven to be valuable tools across various industries, including finance, insurance, and healthcare. These algorithms utilize machine learning techniques to analyze data and generate predictions about potential outcomes. Here are some key features and benefits of employing AI algorithms for predictive modeling and risk assessment: AI algorithms for predictive modeling and risk assessment offer a powerful means of analyzing data, generating accurate predictions, and informing decision-making processes across diverse industries

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