
ISSN 2063-5346
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Redesign of a Module for Learning by Doing

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Prof. T.P. Singh, Prof. Ajay Batish, Dr. Anu Mittal
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si6.146


Course content delivery method plays a vital role in enhancing the students learning experience. The teaching method must be aligned with the nature of course content. In the curriculum of mechanical engineering program, there are certain courses that deal with industry related issues such as workplace safety, ergonomics, productivity improvement, method study and time study etc. In the conventional way of delivering the course content of such courses, the students are least motivated in the class as passive recipient of the knowledge. In order to improve the students’ engagement in the class, a module has been redesigned for a particular course “Work study and Ergonomics” taught in final year of BE Mechanical engineering at TIET Patiala. The intent was to align the teaching method with the concept of learning by doing. In the modified content delivery method students were asked to complete certain tasks in the lab class in a manner similar to the related industry. In the process of module redesigning, all the elements such as delivery method, content, assessment and feedback from students were addressed. A group of students (n=35) were asked to provide feedback on the aspects of new method of learning through a questionnaire. It was observed from the students’ response that they liked the changes made in the instruction delivery method and were willing for a shift from the conventional mode of learning to this new redesigned method. However, from the educators’ view point there were certain challenges involved in conducting the redesigned module. These challenges have also been discussed in this paper.

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