
ISSN 2063-5346
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Phosphate solubilizing bacteria and their protective role against environmental stressors

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Shreya Biswas , Kushal Banerjee
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.290


The continuous population boom has made us heavily reliant on the agricultural sector to meet our nutritional requirements. The global agricultural output however faces several challenges. The lack of phosphorous as a nutrient and the presence of various stressors in the environment are the major of these challenges. Phosphorous is an essential macronutrient responsible for overall plant growth and development. However, despite their abundance in soil, they remain inaccessible to plants because of their insoluble nature. Traditional methods of availing this inaccessible phosphorous such as chemical phosphate fertilizers have adverse effects on the environment, so alternative methods are sought. To tackle this issue, phosphate solubilizing bacteria were introduced which possess the ability to convert insoluble forms of phosphorous into their soluble forms which become available to be utilised by plants. These phosphate solubilising bacteria are also capable of offering protection against the various stressors plaguing the global crop supply such as salt stress, drought stress, temperature stress, pH stress and heavy metal stress. Therefore, utilizing phosphate solubilising bacteria as bioinoculants serves to potentially tackle both the lack of soil phosphorous and the presence of various stressors. This review deals with the major stressors that affect the global crop supply and the various phosphate solubilising bacteria that are employed to bio-protect such crops in order to maintain the global crop output.

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