
ISSN 2063-5346
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Nurse’s Become Patient Advocate

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Dr. Meeta Dutta Goyal, Mr. Himanshu Goyal
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.Si11.025


In the realm of patient advocacy, there exists a gap between the ideal concept and the practical implementation. The concept of representing patients in an optimal manner clashes with the realities faced in the healthcare system. To truly promote nurses as effective patient advocates, a comprehensive and precise understanding of this disconnect is essential. Recognizing the potential impact of nurses in improving lives globally, the American Nursing Association designated 2018 as the Year of Advocacy. During this period, the organization aimed to raise awareness about the significant role nurses play in influencing and effecting change within the healthcare system of the country. In today's world, rapid advancements in medical sciences and technology have resulted in the development of innovative treatment techniques and alterations in healthcare regulations. While these changes bring promise, patients in India encounter challenges in accessing vital health-related information and making informed decisions concerning their rights and protection. The rise in corporate medical facilities, healthcare-related challenges, research trials, and undue media attention exacerbates these difficulties, necessitating the presence of a patient advocate.

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