
ISSN 2063-5346
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Kinetic reactions of amino acids with chromium (III) complexes-A case study

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Mushini Venkata Subbarao Santhosh Kumar Nadikatla and Malla Balakrishna
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.154


The research work on the kinetics of substitution reactions between amino acids and Chromium (III) complexes are not dynamically studied by researchers. These substitution reactions are feasible to study in aqueous medium under in acid and alkaline conditions. So an opportunity is there in the research for the study of kinetic reactions with different Chromium (III) complexes by using amino acids as ligands, also good prospect is there in the preparation of complexes with Chromium (III) and different amino acids and studies of their kinetics, spectral properties as well as speciation. In this review paper, important points are related to Chromium (III) and amino acids are discussed and relevant research papers are reviewed related to the kinetics of substitution of different Chromium (III) complexes with different ligands (as amino acids) and briefly presented the reaction mechanisms.

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