
ISSN 2063-5346
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Dr. R. Leema Rose, Dr. G. Anil Kumar , Dr. R. Ananthi
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s1-B.202


This study focuses on examining how Indian businesses practice ecological development and the creation of relationships among their attributes. To project the study goal, quantitative investigations on corporate sustainability are carried out in the preliminary phase. Using scientometric analysis, this study documents the historical functionality of corporate sustainability. Additionally, some bibliometric analysis is carried out to quantify the study gaps discovered in the earlier works. Here, the corporate sustainability performance and firmlevel correlation mapping are carried out to demonstrate the connections between corporate sustainability, performance, and firm production. A comprehensive empirical study is also conducted to create a theoretical framework for business sustainability culture. The generalization of the model in the context of corporate heterogeneity is examined in this study using both linear and non-linear least square methods. The suggested model aims to quantify how corporate characteristics like governance, social responsibility, and tax avoidance affect business performance. To experimentally forecast the relationship between the corporate variables, some moderate variables are examined. This research makes significant contributions to the analysis of corporate sustainability.

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