
ISSN 2063-5346
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Gender Equality in India: an emerging nation changing the perception through advertisements

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Noveena Chakravorty1*, Sayak Pal2, Sharmila Kayal3, G. Nikita4
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.5.196


Equality between gender and sustainability is deeply connected and one of the major areas that are getting international attention as gender inequality exists not only outside the household but also dwellswithin the household. Principle 20 of the „Rio Declaration‟ in 1992 identifies women‟s participation as an essential element in sustainable development, along with the fifth SDG amended by United Nations in 2015, which focuses on improving gender equality in society.It is impossible to achieve complete sustainability without eliminating gender inequalities. Formulation of strategies is certainly not enough unless people are not educated to change their gender-biased perspectives and attitude. Advertisements are one of the potent ways to spread awareness of gender equality on a large scale

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