
ISSN 2063-5346
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Enhanced Security by using AWS MQTT Broker as Middleware Architecture for IoT Environment

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Prof. Nimavat Dhaval M.,Dr. Raiyani Ashwin G.,
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.98


The act of preserving security on Internet-connected devices and the networks to which they are connected as well as locating, tracking, and repairing issues from various devices that potentially pose security threats is known as IoT security.The issue of securing devices that are connected to the internet has always been difficult. The aim of the given research work is to enhance security in an IoT environment by leveraging AWS IoT Core concepts and the AWS MQTT broker by implementing X.509 digital certificates, using private keys and applying AWS IoT Core device policies. AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables the secure and scalable connection of IoT devices to the cloud. It provides various features and functionalities to manage and interact with IoT devices effectively. By utilizing X.509 digital certificates, we enhance the security of the communication between IoT devices and AWS IoT Core. To implement enhanced security, we generate our own private key, which will be used to sign and encrypt your digital certificates. The private key should be kept confidential and securely stored. We would then configure AWS IoT Core to use X.509 certificates for device authentication and secure communication. This involves registering your devices with AWS IoT Core and associating the corresponding digital certificates with each device. The devices will present their digital certificates during the connection process to establish a secure connection with the AWS MQTT broker.

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