
ISSN 2063-5346
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Effect of Pre-treatment on Physical Characteristics of Varieties of Oyster Mushroom using Different Drying Methods by Comparative Evaluation

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Chinmay Anil Chorage * Shanker Suwan Singh
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.3.090


Drying has a great significance in preservation of agricultural goods. Several drying techniques are implemented for drying of agricultural goods. This study was carried out to identify best drying method with pre-treatment’s for varieties of oyster mushrooms to evaluate the impact of pre-treatment and drying technique on physical characteristics of oyster mushrooms. The values content of oyster mushrooms was raised, according to a physical analysis. Mushroom powder was dried and made in powder form by two drying methods (tray drying and vacuum drying) with three different temperatures (60, 70 and 800C). Three pre-treatment were given before drying (Untreated, Vinegar and Lemon juice). The findigs obtained and statistical data revealed that vacuum dried mushroom with vinegar treated showed good quality characteristics and was found best.

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