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Current Strategies in the Management of Rib Fractures: A Comprehensive Review

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Mona Abdel Hamid Elharrisi, Sanaa Ahmed Eltohamy, Amr Shaaban Hafez, Ahmed Raafat Mansour
» doi: 10.53555/ecb/2023.12.1169


Chest trauma that is either blunt or penetrating happens frequently. Rib fractures are the most frequent sign of blunt chest trauma, and they frequently happen at the posterior portion of the rib's weakest location. Injuries like pulmonary contusions can arise from the force needed to fracture ribs and subsequent energy transfer those damages underlying tissues. Effective care of rib fractures is critical for minimizing complications and reducing associated mortality. Chest wall pain is directly associated with rib fractures, and it can exacerbate pulmonary problems and impair breathing. Splinting, guarding, low tidal volumes, limited movement, an inability to cough and remove secretions, and an unwillingness to engage in chest physiotherapy are all possible outcomes of this pain. Effective analgesia is therefore essential for enhancing pulmonary mechanics, removing secretions, and enhancing patient mobility. There are various approaches to managing rib fracture pain, including systemic analgesia and regional techniques.

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