
ISSN 2063-5346
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Critical Observational Study on Vyakarana w.s.r to Ashtanga Hrdaya Sutra Sthana 4th Adhyaya: A Literary Research

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Dr. Manjula, Dr. Akshar Kulkarni
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.147


Ashtanga Hrdayam (AH) is one among the brhatrayees, which is neither very brief nor in elaborate form of ashtangasangraha.The way Ashtanga Hridaya has been written it shows the expertise of Vagbhata in Ayurveda, Sanskrit and Poetry. Ashtanga Hridya Samhita is divided into sutra , nidana, sharira, chikitsa, kalpa, and uttarasthana, It contains 120 chapters,7471 shlokas,& sutra sthana contains 30 adhyayas in which 1603 shlokas are written ,among thease 4th adhyaya is Rogaanutpaadaniyam adhyaya, contains 36 shlokas1.To read these shlokas with proper pronounciation & to understand the shloka artha i.exact meaning of the each word of the shloka sanskrit vyakarana is needed, among vyakarana sandhis and samaasa are very important and compulsory. As major Ayurveda treatises are written in Sanskrit language, to read and understand the samhitas one has to have the complete & deep knowledge of Sanskrit vyakaranas.Sandhi means (सम् + धि) which means to join.it is a change that occurs between two words at the time of joining of two words and samaasa means combined words. The changes targets on observations of every single verse of ashtangahrdaya 4th adhyaya of sutra sthana to contemplate the distribution of sandhis and samaasa to understand the exact meaning of the shlokas & also to understand the importance of svyakarana in reading and understanding samhitas.

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