
ISSN 2063-5346
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Comparative Study of Proposed Blockchain and IPFS integrated Patient Electronic Health record System

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Vishal Sharma, Anand Sharma, Niranjan Lal
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si4.022


Many patient records are included in medical data, and these records are useful for both future study and treatment. Therefore security of storage and privacy preservation during the sharing of patient’s health record system (PEHR) is very essential. Blockchain appears to be establishing a foundation for a breakthrough in the established healthcare sector, which stands to gain from its special properties including data privacy and transparency. As a result, numerous studies on Blockchain-enabled PEHRs have been explored. Nevertheless, current solutions that rely on a central database are vulnerable to well-known security issues including single points of failure and various threats, which both conventional database systems share. Performance and scalability problems were not resolved by previous solutions. In this research, we present a comparison study for assessing the performance based on different performance measures, such as transaction latency, throughput, and uploading and downloading different sizes of PEHR to and from the IPFS between our proposed model and existing alternatives. We have found that our proposed system is performing well as compared to existing solutions

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