
ISSN 2063-5346
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Bacteriocins from Latic Acid Bacteria: An Overview

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1Kumari Luri Sethi, 1Twinkle Jangde, 1Somesh Kumar Sahay, 1Shreyansh Verma, *Megha Chaturvedi
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.7.295


Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) bacteria are commonly found in fermented foods and beverages. In recent years, Among the various sources of bacteriocins, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have attracted significant attention due to their potential as natural alternatives to conventional antibiotics in various domains, including food preservation, healthcare, and agriculture. Several classes of bacteriocins have also been identified, having unique structural and functional characteristics which provides insights into their potential applications and strategies for optimizing their efficacy. The applications of bacteriocins are not limited to food preservation but also extend to healthcare settings, where they can be used as bio-preservatives for medical devices or as therapeutic agents in the treatment of infections. Moreover, bacteriocins have been shown to have immunomodulatory properties and to enhance the efficacy of existing antibiotics, suggesting their potential as adjuvants for clinical use. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of bacteriocins, focusing on their mechanisms of action, applications, and future perspectives.

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