
ISSN 2063-5346
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Assess the Impact of ElectronicMedia among Students in selected High School at Bhopal

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Ms. Rajni Sharma, Dr. Archana Selvan
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si11.006


Today, everyone's life is significantly impacted by electronic media, especially the younger generations of students. They are completely absorbed in their mobile devices and are not aware of their immediate surroundings. The objectives were to assess how the chosen demographic parameters, including higher secondary pupils, are impacted by electronic media. Using a basic random sampling procedure, 100 kids from the upper secondary school were selected. The goals were to evaluate the effects of higher secondary students' use of electronic media, to evaluate the impact of electronic media, and to evaluate the relationship between the effects of electronic media on traditional play and the chosen demographic factors. We came to the conclusion from this study that there are no statistically significant differences based on demographic factors between the effects of electronic media on high school students.

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