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A study to evaluate taste perception changes of hospital discharged COVID-19 patients - A cross sectional study

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Dr. Amruta Patil,Dr. Nupura VibhuteDr. Uzma Belgaumi,Dr. Vidya Kadashetti
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.76


In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak that began in China in December 2019,there has been a surge in research into the various aspects of this disease. Even three years after the first outbreak the disease's pathogenesis and manifestations continue to remain elusive. While many scholars believed that the coronavirus virus pandemic had ended, in reality, the disease continues to exist and the virus continues to thrive even in 2022. Though there has been some documentation regarding the systemic signs and symptoms there is a lack of adequate research on the long COVID manifestations in the oral cavity.Aim: This study aimed to assess the oral health status in hospital-discharged COVID‐19 patients and determine the association between oral health and coronavirus disease outcomes for a prolonged duration, including the incidence of severity of COVID infection. Study Design: 200hospital-discharged COVID-19 patientswere selected by using a convenience sampling technique. Materials and Methods:Participants who were evaluated for their taste changes. The methodology employed were included presence or absence of taste by using a taste kit and compared with post discharge duration, COVID severity criteria and age. Results: In our study out of 200 participants, 180(90%) had normal taste sensations; however, 20(10%) did not experience any taste sensations. Conclusions:In this study, some patients who survived COVID-19 infection exhibited taste impairment for at least six months. Thus, after the treatment of Covid-19, attention should be paid to the maintenance of good oral health status, including taste bud functions.

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