
ISSN 2063-5346
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Jasmine Joshi
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si5.017


High employee churn is a huge challenge for any business, irrespective of its size or the industry within which it operates. Companies lose $1 trillion in productivity yearly due to voluntary turnover. But what exactly causes employees to quit their jobs? It's no secret that not every employee is happy in their job. While some would be working in their dream jobs at their dream companies, others may want to take a break, relocate to another part of the country, move to a new one, or leave altogether.Employee attrition is one of the greatest issues plaguing organisations today. The news media is offering a variety of reasons for why employees leave, chief among them being that remote work has created more opportunity for the digital nomad. People no longer have to move to somewhere they cannot afford or do not like in order to access the best, highest paying jobs.But the best reason is that during a global pandemic, when people likely feel more disempowered than ever before, what could be more empowering than deciding where you work? What could be more empowering than choosing the best possible (virtual) environment for where you will spend the majority of your time?

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