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47 kDa Protein Sequence : a Candidate for Bladder Cancer Biomarkers

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Budaya, Taufiq Nur, Permatasari, Happy Kurnia, Widodo, N, Prawiro, Sumarno Reto
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.4.189


Introduction:In the globe, bladder cancer (BC) is the ninth most prevalent malignancy. The issue is that there are currently no biomarkers with high diagnostic accuracies for BC. Previous studies revealed that BC patients selectively express the 47 kDa protein. This study will identify the sequence from 47kDa protein as the basis for making antibodies to future bladder cancer biomarkers. Method: 47 kDaPeptides were analysed byelectrospray ionisation mass spectrometry using the Shimadzu Prominence nanoHPLC system [Shimadzu] coupled to a 5600 TripleTOF mass spectrometer [Sciex].Tryptic peptides were loaded onto an Agilent Zorbax 300SB-C18, 3.5 μm [AgilentTechnologies] and separated with a linear gradient of water/acetonitrile/0.1% formicacid (v/v). Spectra were analysed to identify proteins of interest using Mascotsequence matching software [Matrix Science] with UniProtdatabase Results: In the 47 kDa protein sequencing performed by the sequencing method, the following sequences were obtained:42’ APSTY GGGLS VSSSR 56’; 117’ VTMQN LNDRL ASYLD KVRAL EEANA DLEVK IRDWY QR 153’; 161’ DYSPY FK 167’; 176’ ILTAT VDNAN VLLQI DNARL AADDF RTKYE TELNL RMSVE ADING LRRVL DELTL AR 232’; 252’ NHEEE MNALR GQVGG DVNVE MDAAP GVDLS RILNE MRDQY EK 293’; 301’ DAEEW FFTKT EELNR EVATN SELVQ SGKSE ISELR RTMQN LEIEL QSQLS MKASL ENSLE ETKGR 265; 406’ TRLEQ EIATY RRLLE GEDAH LSSSQ FSSGS QSSR 469’; 460’ VVSTH EQVLR 469’. The matching process was carried out with the mascot from the results of the sequenced pieces obtained from the extraction. Obtained a series of sequences that match Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 14—obtained index score of 908 and sequence coverage of 56%. Conclussion :Sequenced protein, showed that 47kDa protein is closest to type1cytoskeletal keratin 14, can be a candidate for bladder cancer biomarkers.

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