
ISSN 2063-5346
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To the results of the study of the association of ALA54THR polymorphism of the FABP2 gene in patients with vitiligo of the Uzbek population of the Bukhara region

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Shaxnoza Zakirovna Mavlyanova, Ixlosjon Boltayevich Shukurov, Malohat Farmonovna Yaxshiyeva
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.sa1.038


The aim of our research is to study the allelic variants and association genotypes of the Ala54Thr polymorphism of the FABP2 gene in patients with vitiligo and to identify predictors of the development of the disease. Material and methods of research: The object and subject of the study were patients with vitiligo, DNA samples of patients and healthy donors, the Ala54Thr gene of the FABP2 gene. The study included 109 patients with vitiligo aged 5 to 62 years old, who were observed at the clinic of the RSNPMC DVIC of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and “Ixlos Med service” LLC. Conclusions. Аllele Thr and heterozygous genotype of A la /T hr polymorphism gene FABP 2 are markers of an increased risk which results in developing vitiligo, especially localized and generalized forms of dermatosis, in the Uzbek population in the Bukhara region

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