
ISSN 2063-5346
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Recurrent shoulder dislocation due to anterior instability managed by open Neer’s Capsuloraphy and simultaneous Bankart lesion repair a therapeutic study

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Dr. Prabhu M M, Dr. Anirudh C K, Dr. Arun K N, Dr. Naveen S, Dr. Sanjeev Chincholi, Dr. Veerabhadra Javali, Dr. Sudheer Kumar
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si4.408


Recurrent shoulder dislocations mainly result from anterior shoulder instability when untreated, chronic subluxation and dislocation eventually leads to pain and functional disability. As the technology is evolving Bankart repair techniques have improved significantly over the last century since Bankart initially described the lesion. Open Bankart lesion repair with simultaneous capsulolabral complex repair remains the gold standard in chronic recurrent shoulder dislocation due to anterior instability and has been hypothesized in our study for joint stability and has driven for better results than previously reported methods

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