
ISSN 2063-5346
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Ramprashath R, Dr.R.Nallakumar, Nagajothi Karthiga.N, Murugeswari. P
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.106


The personalities of the people who make up a company are crucial. Standardized surveys relating to emotional intelligence are one method used to evaluate an individual's character. Conventionally, businesses would manually go through applications and create a shortlist. Here, we provide a method for predicting a person's character based on their answers to a series of questions on their emotional intelligence. Our system will prompt the applicant to provide personal information and submit a résumé while simultaneously presenting him with a set of questions he must score on a scale from 1 to 10. Then, based on the candidate's expected personality, keywords from his résumé, and other information, the results will be published and shared with him. We implemented a machine learning method in this project that was based In supervised learning algorithms, logistic regression is used for classification problems that may be predicted using probability theory. Today, a person's personality is equally as important as their talents in the business world. One's personality is the most important factor in their personal and professional achievements. So, it is important for a recruiter to be aware of a candidate's personality. It's becoming increasingly challenging to manually pick the best-fit candidate for a suitable position by glancing at the résumé, since the number of job searchers has increased exponentially while the number of available opportunities has decreased. In an effort to accurately predict character traits from a candidate's résumé, this study compares and contrasts several machine learning methods. The system uses ML for both the analysis of resumes and the assessment of candidates' personalities. The resulting curated system output is useful for preliminary application screening..

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