
ISSN 2063-5346
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Experimental Investigation on acquisition data of Current-voltage and power characteristics for photovoltaic panel parameters: Applied In Algeria-Tamanrasset

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Mohammed BENATALLAH , Mohammed Abdelkader OUARIDHENE , Said GROUNI , Nadjla BALLAH , Hanane ELGASSOUM
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.5.269


The practical design of acquisition data based on Arduino board for photovoltaic module parameters. The design is optimized to measure the parameters (photonic current IPh, factor of quality γ, resistance series Rs, and reverses saturation current I0), of solar cell modules presenting 21.7V as open circuit voltage and a low short circuit current below 3.45A. The Data acquisition allows for trace the (I-V) (P-V) characterization of monocrystalline and polycryctalline modules within real operate conditions and enables to detected the potential failure of anomalies in behavior electric. This design based on low cost components, current and voltage sensors and Arduino Mega board, A prototype has been implemented and field tested for characterization of two type of modules. The interface is optimized using Python software.

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