
ISSN 2063-5346
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Mr. Gaurav Pratap Singh1*, Dr. Prema Balusamy2
» doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5a.0251


Stress has become some portion of student's scholarly life because of the different inside and outer assumptions put upon their shoulders Title: A study to assess the effectiveness of relaxation therapy on stress and anxiety among nursing students was conducted in Keshlata College of nursing and Rohilkhand College of Nursing. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the effect of mind relaxation techniques on psychological and physiological aspects among the nursing students. Methodology: Quantitative research approach with randomized control trail- pretest and posttest control group design was adopted to this study. Probability sampling- Simple Random sampling technique was adopted to select 100 nursing students each in experimental and control group. Data collection was done using perception rating scale. Mind relaxation therapy was used by the investigator to teach various method to overcome different level of stress such as deep breathing exercise, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, mind full meditation, body scan meditation and tie chu. Results and Findings: The data gathered were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical method and interpretation was done on the basis of the objectives of the study. SPSS version 22 was used for data analysis. Data revealed that in experimental group on psychological aspects of mean pre-test stress score (64.29 ± 12.86) which was high in pre-test was reduced (37.7 ± 19.20) mean post-test stress score, hence it shows the effectiveness of mind relaxation techniques on psychological aspects among the nursing students. The calculated t value was (t=11.74) more than the tabled value (t.2.33). Hence there is significance difference in the mean post-test stress scores hence there is significance difference in the mean pre-test and post- test perception score. Data revealed that in experimental group on physiological aspects of mean pre-test stress score (64.29 ± 12.86) which was high in pre-test was reduced (41.03 ± 17.64) mean post-test stress score, hence it shows the effectiveness of mind relaxation techniques on physiological aspects among the nursing students. The calculated t value was (t=4.39) more than the tabled value (t.1.98). Hence there is significance difference in the mean pre-test and post- test perception score. Data revealed that in control group on psychological aspects the mean pre-test stress score (63.98 ± 16.53) which was high in pre-test was reduced (54.38 ± 15.31) mean post-test stress score, The calculated t value was (t=4.39) more than the tabled value (t.1.96). Hence there is significance difference in the mean post-test stress scores hence there is significance difference in the mean pre-test and post- test perception score. Data revealed that in control group on physiological aspects the mean pre-test stress score (67.11 ± 11.60) which was high in pre-test was reduced (50.61 ± 20.37) mean post-test stress. The calculated t value was (t=7.53) more than the tabled value (t.1.98). Hence, there is significance difference in the mean of the post-test stress scores, hence, there is significance difference in the mean pre-test and post- test perception score.

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