
ISSN 2063-5346
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Development and evaluation of egg shell powder calcium: Quantitative and qualitative approach

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Anasuya Patil, Mangirish Deshpande, Pearl Dighe, Himansu Bhusan Samal, Manoj kumar, Sachinkumar Dnyaneshwar Gunjal, Trupti Pratik D
» doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.sa1.157


Calcium is one of the major components in the functioning of human body. Various researches proved that; egg shell is the rich source of calcium which can be taken as supplements in case of calcium deficiency. Our aim of the project was to determine various qualitative and analytical estimation of egg shell (ES) powder. ES powder was prepared and characterized by micromeritic studies i.e., bulk density, tapped density, compressibility index, hauser’s ratio etc. Qualitative estimation, ash value determination and analytical characterization i.e., FTIR, SEM, XRD, DSC, TGA. Results of the above-mentioned studies revealed that the ES powder lies in the range of passable to good flow property with sound quantity of calcium present in it. Particle size of ES powder is 2-5 μm, crystalline in nature with melting point of 780⁰C. Also possess wide range of functional groups i.e., -OH group at 3700.55 cm-1, carboxylic acid at 1435.93 cm-1 etc. which was determined by various peaks in FTIR. So, from the results we can conclude that ES powder can be used in the formulation of calcium supplements which is beneficial for the patient suffering from any kind of calcium deficiency.

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